How Smart Home Can Make us All Healthier
Much has been written about how Internet of Things (IoT) technology and smart homes can be used to make our lives more convenient and stress-free. From refrigerators that alert you when you’re running low on supplies to sensors that turn on your central heating when you’re approaching home, there are a growing number of devices on the market to complement the lifestyles of modern people.
The benefits of a smart home, however, extend well past the paradigm of convenience, as the jobs they take care of, serve to make us all healthier in a number of ways. Here we look at just a few.
#1 – Asthma Relief
An excess of humidity is known to be a contributing factor to respiratory issues like asthma, which can be tackled by effective indoor climate control. However, this does rather rely on remembering to activate air conditioning systems and by the time you’ve realised that you’ve forgotten to, it’s often too late. Smart sensors take this worry away, triggering the activation of climate control when it’s needed and keeping your asthma or other breathing issues at bay.
By the same token, an automatically controlled indoor climate is able to promote restful sleep, which can make your more energised, balanced and healthy.
#2 – Mindful Meal Preparation
Out of all the priorities and responsibilities people have in the modern day, prepping for future meals comes some way down the list, the net result of which is a tendency to fall back on fast food order menus. Smart home hubs are able to combat this by ensuring that you always have the necessary ingredients of a tasty meal through the convenience of ‘voice shopping’.
By removing one of the standard excuses people make for reaching for convenience food, you increase the chances of doing the right thing and going for a healthy option.
#3 – Getting Some ‘You Time’
Relaxation is a key part of staying healthy and being able to get an impromptu bit of headspace can really help. A smart home can help you to quickly choose the right song at the right volume with the right kind of lighting to allow your serotonin levels to soar in a matter of seconds. Music is well known to be a real mood-lifter, especially when combined with some mood luminance and a smart hub can have you relaxing away with just a few voice commands.
There are many other ways that smart homes can help make us less stressed, less overworked and ultimately more healthy and with IoT technology evolving with each passing year, that list is going to get even longer.
Want to Know More?
At Sure Universal, we provide the complete platform for home automation and IoT and our is the only one to endorsed by the OCF (Open Connectivity Foundation) due to its user-friendliness and high levels of interoperability. Offering a range of industry-leading solutions such as SURE Remote (with over 40 million downloads), SURE Gateway and SURE Cloud, ours is the only platform you’ll ever need for your smart home or office.
If you’d like to know more about anything discussed here, you can find out lots of useful information by visiting us online at or by getting in touch via our contact form
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